madman101 May 20, 2018 13:16
physics - quantum mech/ dynam/ theory, computers - computer technologies, physics - quantum computing, physics - lasers
madman101 Dec 17, 2017 15:28
books - fiction for the soul, holidays - christmas, environ - nature / love of nature, brain - consciousness - psychic/quantum, all * entropism, mindfulness and presence, all * consciousness, health - meditation, environ - nature - abuse of nature, brain - meditation, health - nature and health, consciousness - brain, psychology - meditation, physics - quantum computing, earth vibes, koyaanisqatsi - (life out of balance), psychology - nature and psychology
madman101 Jul 15, 2017 13:21
parascientific - crop circles, s- 'quantum time-travel (2024 series), physics - quantum computing, all * entanglement, physics - quantum entanglement, physics - superluminal info transfer